Agenda and minutes

Town Council - Wednesday, 7th June 2023 7.00 pm

Venue: The Manor House, Old Town Street, Dawlish, EX7 9AP

Contact: Town Clerk  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive, note and where requested approve, the reasons for apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mayne, and Weatherhead.


Resolved that the apologies for absence be noted.


Agreement of the Agenda between Parts I and II


There was no Part II.


Declarations of Interest

To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any).


There were no declarations of interest.



To receive and consider requests for dispensation (if any).


There were no dispensations.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 271 KB

To approve, sign and adopt the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on


Members considered the minutes of the Annual Town Council meeting held on 17 May 2023.


Resolved that the minutes of the Annual Town Council meeting held on 17 May 2023 be approved and signed as a correct and accurate record.


Minutes of Committees for adoption

To receive the Minutes of the following Committee(s) for adoption (if any) – Members are requested to refer to the Town Council’s website to view said Minutes:


Civic Amenities Committee – 26 April 2023

Events Committee – 14 March 2023

Finance & General Purposes Committee – 27 April 2023

Planning Committee – 20 April, 18 May 2023


Resolved that the minutes set out below, approved by the relevant Committee and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of that meeting, be adopted:


·         Civic Amenities Committee – 26 April 2023

·         Events Committee – 14 March 2023

·         Finance & General Purposes Committee – 27 April 2023

·         Planning Committee – 20 April, 18 May 2023



Town Clerk's Report

To receive any updates from the Town Clerk (if any).


The Town Clerk reported that:


·         He had provided sign-up forms for Devon and Cornwall Police’s Alert scheme which allows users to receive latest alerts, safety notices and information request from the Police force; and

·         Members were reminded if they had not already done so to complete and return their declaration of election expenses, even if there was a nil return.  Failure to do so could bring a personal fine of £50 for each time a councillor sat and voted at a meeting.  Declarations needed to be returned to the Elections team at Teignbridge District Council.


Resolved that the report be noted.


Town Mayor's Announcements

To receive the Town Mayor’s announcements (if any).


The Mayor advised that she had attended


·         18 May – the Annual General Meeting of Sustainable Dawlish

·         24 May – held eco workshops at Orchard Manor and Gatehouse schools for children to illustrate ‘postcards from the future’ for showing what the world could look like if more people took action on climate change

·         25 May – the opening of the Dawlish Library Lego Wall

·         26 May – Luscombe Castle garden party event in aid of Friends of Dawlish Hospital

·         28 May – the heritage bike show on the Lawn

·         29 May – attended the Turn the Tide event on the lawn which had surpassed expectations and engaged everyone with steps individuals could take to tackle climate change

·         30 May – attended the Town Council’s Events Committee

·         31 May – attended the town Council’s Civic Amenities Committee


She advised that she was working on engaging with schools and youth clubs so that their voice fed into the Council Chamber in respect of some of the decisions that came before Members, in addition to reaching out to care homes to offer visits to give them a voice and reduce potential disconnection from community life.


Resolved that the report be noted.




Notice of Motion pdf icon PDF 160 KB

Town Council is asked to consider a notice of motion submitted by Councillor Foden as follows:


“We call on our local MPs: Anne Marie Morris, MP for Newton Abbot constituency (including Dawlish), and Mel Stride, MP for Central Devon (including Exminster) to call for funding of better, fast, regular, and efficient bus services for Dawlish, and for fair funding for levelling up of bus services in rural and parish bus services in Dawlish and Teignbridge, on this side of the Exe estuary.


We call on Stagecoach South West and Devon County Council to pay just as much attention and funding to improving bus services on this side of the Exe Estuary – in Dawlish, in Teignbridge, on this side of the Exe estuary.”



The Council considered a notice of motion submitted by Councillor Foden, namely that the Council was asked to:


“call on our local MPs: Anne Marie Morris, MP for Newton Abbot constituency (including Dawlish), and Mel Stride, MP for Central Devon (including Exminster) to call for funding of better, fast, regular, and efficient bus services for Dawlish, and for fair funding for levelling up of bus services in rural and parish bus services in Dawlish and Teignbridge, on this side of the Exe estuary.


call on Stagecoach South West and Devon County Council to pay just as much attention and funding to improving bus services on this side of the Exe Estuary – in Dawlish, in Teignbridge, on this side of the Exe estuary.”


During discussion, it was suggested that the rationale for reduced services be asked of Stagecoach South West for so as to understand the reasons why these services were being reduced or cut.


Resolved that Dawlish Town Council calls on its local MPs: Anne Marie Morris, MP for Newton Abbot constituency (including Dawlish), and Mel Stride, MP for Central Devon (including Exminster) to call for funding of better, fast, regular, and efficient bus services for Dawlish, and for fair funding for levelling up of bus services in rural and parish bus services in Dawlish and Teignbridge, on this side of the Exe estuary.


It further calls on Stagecoach South West and Devon County Council to pay just as much attention and funding to improving bus services on this side of the Exe Estuary – in Dawlish, in Teignbridge, and to explain the rationale for reduced or cuts to services on this side of the Exe sstuary


Recommendation from Events Committee

The Town Council is requested to consider writing to the Police and Crime Commissioner, and the Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall Police about the lack of a Police presence in Dawlish.



The Town Council considered a recommendation from the Council’s Events Committee, that it considers writing to the Police and Crime Commissioner, and the Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall Police about the lack of a Police presence in Dawlish.


During discussion it was noted that this lack of presence was of particular issue during the summer months at the height of the tourist season.


Resolved that the Town Council writes to the Police and Crime Commissioner, and the Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall Police about the lack of a Police presence in Dawlish, particularly during the summer season.


Appointments to Committees

To consider appointing any interested Member to the following Committees:


Civic Amenities Committee

3x vacancies


Planning Committee

2x vacancies (including Chair)


Resolved that the following Committee appointments be made:


Civic Amenities Committee

Councillors Hardy, Heywood, and Wrigley



Councillor Heath appointed Chair – two vacancies remain.




Appointments to Working Groups

To consider appointing any interested Member to the following Working Groups:


Climate Declaration

6x vacancies


Mental Wellbeing & Suicide Prevention

5x vacancies


Tourism Strategy

6x vacancies


Resolved that the following appointments be made:


Climate Declaration Working Group

Councillors Dawson, Goodman-Bradbury, Heath, A. James, Wrigley, and 1 vacancy


Mental Wellbeing & Suicide Prevention Working Group

Councillors Dawson, Goodman-Bradbury, Graham-Ellis, A. James, and M. James.


Tourism Strategy Working Group

Councillors Weatherhead, and Wrigley.


Councillor Surgeries

To consider the re-establishment of Councillor surgeries at Dawlish Library, and the frequency of such.


Members considered the re-establishment of Councillor surgeries at Dawilsh Library, and the frequency of such.


During discussion it was suggested that roving surgeries taking in Cockwood, Dawlish Warren, Dawlish, and Holcombe would be beneficial together with appropriate advertisement and signage.


Resolved that


(a)    A six-month, fortnightly trial of councillor surgeries begin from September / October 2023,

(b)   That a list of suitable venues be established and booked at various locations within the Parish,

(c)    That appropriate signage be purchased to help advertise the events; and

(d)   That a draft rota and location be approved at the September Council meeting.


Live Streaming of Council Meetings

Members are requested to endorse the Town Clerk investigating options for the live streaming of Full Council meetings with a permanent solution that can be used by hirers for conferencing solutions in the Council Chamber, and a roaming solution for Committee meetings in other rooms.


Councillors considered endorsing the Town Clerk to investigate options for the live streaming of Full Council meetings with a permanent solution that could be used by casual hirers of the Council Chamber, and a roaming solution for Committee meetings in other rooms.


In addition to live streaming, it was suggested the Town Council may like to publicise agenda publication through social media.


Resolved that the Town Clerk be endorsed to investigate options for the live streaming of Full Council meetings with a permanent solution that could be used by casual hirers of the Council Chamber, and a roaming solution for Committee meetings in other rooms.


Final Internal Audit Report 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 268 KB

To receive and note:


·         the contents and recommendations of the Internal Auditor for the financial year 2022/23; and

·         the Annual Internal Audit Report 2022/23 for the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR).

Additional documents:


Members received the Internal Auditor’s Final Report for the financial year 2022/23.


The Chairman of the Finance & General Purposes Committee commended the office team for the successful completion of the year-end accounts, and the positive conclusions reached by the internal auditor.


Resolved that the Final Internal Auditor’s Report, and Internal Audit Certificate be noted.


Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2022/23 - Annual Governance Statement pdf icon PDF 794 KB

To consider, approve, and sign the annual Governance Statement (Section 1) of the Annual Return 2022/23.


Members considered the Annual Governance Statement of the 2022/23 Annual Return.


Resolved that the Annual Governance Statement be approved and signed.


Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2022/23 - Accounting Statements pdf icon PDF 593 KB

To receive, approve, and sign the Accounting Statements (Section 2) of the Annual Return 2022/23.

Additional documents:


Members considered the Accounting Statements for the 2022/23 Annual Return.


The Town Clerk advised that Box 9 had been restated for 2021/22, and 2022/23 following the recompiling of the asset register which had previously been based on a mix of current and insurance values.  It was now based on purchase values.  This was in according with accounting practices provided the authority was consistent with the way in which it reported its assets going forward.


Resolved that the Accounting Statements be approved and signed.


County Councillor's Report

To receive a report from the County Councillor (if any).


Councillor Wrigley

Councillor Wrigley reported that:


·         Major challenges still presented concerning Devon’s childcare services.  He would be pursuing increase provision where possible.

·         The roads budget continued to be reduced at a time when the state of the roads was worsening each day – greater funding was required from central government to address this.

·         In two weeks’ time the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee would be considering the matter of the closure of Teignmouth Hospital and whether there was sufficient evidence to refer the matter back to the Secretary of State for reconsideration.  On the same day, Teignbridge District Planning Committee would be considering the Health & Wellbeing Centre application in Teignmouth.  The two matters were very distinct and not related to one another.


Resolved that the report be noted.


District Councillor's Reports

To receive reports of District Councillors (if any).


Councillor Dawson

Councillor Dawson advised that induction training for new District Councillors was ongoing, and she had been contacted by several residents concerning the serving of Section 21 (eviction) notices – these had been passed to Housing Officers for resolution.


Councillor Foden

Since election to both Teignbridge District and Dawlish Town Councils, I have attended various trainings and meetings.


I was delighted to support the approval of the final funding for the Dawlish link road at the TDC meeting on 23rd May 2023, which will give relief to the all the schools, nurseries, and residents of Elm Grove Road and the roads in that area.


I have been campaigning for this link road for over 7 years, together with my colleague Liberal Democrat councillors, having started the ‘Humans before Houses – build the Link Road first’ petition in 2016. 


I am organising a repair café on Saturday 17th June, as part of the Great Big Green Week, and I am working with the Dawlish Garden Society on this year’s Dawlish in Bloom garden competition.


Next week I will hand in a petition to County Councillor Martin Wrigley at County Hall, that I set up following an incident where a vehicle blocked a road for over 3 hours after getting wedged between the walls of the houses on both sides.  The incident caused structural damage to the house on the corner of Frederick Terrace, when the vehicle tipped because of the uneven camber of the road.

The campaign calls on Devon County Council and Devon Highways to provide road width restriction warning signs for Penfield Gardens and Hoopern Terrace, and for road width restriction warnings on digital maps too.



Town Councillor's Reports

To receive reports of Town Councillors (if any).


There were no Town Councillor reports.