Venue: The Manor House, Old Town Street, Dawlish, EX7 9AP
Contact: Town Clerk Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive, note and where requested, approve the reasons for apologies for absence. Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor L. Petherick.
Resolved that the apology be noted. |
Agreement of the Agenda between Parts I and II Minutes: There was no Part II. |
Declarations of Interest To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any). Minutes: · Councillor Goodman-Bradbury declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in relation to the agenda item regarding allotment tenancy agreements by virtue of being an allotment holder. She advised she would not speak or vote on the item.
· Councillor Pyne declared an Appendix B interest to the agenda item regarding the small grant application from Dawlish Choral Society by virtue of his wife being a member of the group. He advised he would not speak or vote to the application. |
Dispensations To receive and consider requests for dispensation (if any). Minutes: There were no dispensations. |
To approve, sign and adopt the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Minutes: Members considered the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 1 November 2023.
Resolved that the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 1 November 2023 be approved and signed as a correct and accurate record. |
Minutes of Committees for adoption To receive the Minutes of the following Committee(s) for adoption (if any) – Members are requested to refer to the Town Council’s website to view said Minutes:
· Civic Amenities Committee – 20 September 2023 · Finance & General Purposes Committee – 28 September, and 19 October 2023 · Manor House & Riverside Centre Committee – 13 September 2023 · Planning Committee – 14 September, 5 October, 26 October 2023 Minutes: Resolved that the minutes set out below, approved by the relevant Committee and signed by the Chair as a correct record of that meeting, be adopted:
· Civic Amenities Committee – 20 September 2023 · Finance & General Purposes Committee – 28 September, and 19 October 2023 · Manor House & Riverside Centre Committee – 13 September 2023 · Planning Committee – 14 September, 5 October, 26 October 2023 |
Town Clerk's Report To receive any updates from the Town Clerk (if any). Minutes: The Town Clerk advised Members that:
The Town Council offices would close for the Christmas break on the
afternoon of Friday, 22 December and reopen on Tuesday, 2 January
They should advise whether they attended the recent code of conduct
training provided by Teignbridge District Council so that this
could be added to Member training records; and · The extended deadline of the 30 November for the planning authority to determine the listed building consent application for the Manor House canopy had been missed – the only consultee to respond was the Conservation Officer after which a determination would be able to be made.
Resolved that the updates be noted. |
Town Mayor's Announcements To receive the Town Mayor’s announcements (if any). Minutes: The Mayor advised she had undertaken 27 engagements throughout November, details of which would be included in the minutes, and can be seen below:
1st - Full Council meeting including MIU Q&A 2nd - Climate Change Working Group 3rd - launch of the poppy wall 4th - opening Methodist Church craft fayre 5th - open evening of Smyrna new takeaway business 6th - SWW presentation on service delivery 2025-2030 7th - kids swap shop at st Greg’s 7th - budget meeting 8th - mayoral events planning meeting 9th - code of conduct training 10th - Laying wreath on poppy train 11th - Armed forces breakfast 11th - Poppy wall 11th - Ukraine/Moldova fundraiser in Cockwood 11th - Twinning fundraising evening 12th - Remembrance parade 13th - Budget meeting 16th - Dawlish Twinning Association meeting 18th- charity lights at Ashley Way 18th - councillor surgery Cockwood 20th - History fundraiser planning meeting 20th - Chair meeting with schools and police on ASB issues 21st - Police advocate seminar on ASB 22nd - Held childminder info/coffee morning with DCC in Dawlish SIX people interested in proceeding! 23rd - Finance and General Purposes meeting 29th - Climate Declaration working group 30th - River walk with TDC - some interesting ideas and actions points regarding the Brook and emergency working relationship between councils
She was continuing to challenge on the lorry situation on Elm Grove Road and having the construction management plans adapted so as not to permit deliveries during school drop-off and pick-up time.
Resolved that the report be noted.
Notice of Motion - Intimidation at Community, Parish, and Town Councils PDF 148 KB To consider sending the proposed letter to Anne Marie Morris MP in support of requirements to address bullying and harassment of elected members, and council employees. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Hardy presented her notice of motion, which called for writing to Anne Marie Morris MP to support requirements to address bullying and harassment of elected members, and Council employees by supporting Early Day Motion 611 – Intimidation at Community, Parish and Town Councils tabled on 23 November 2023 in the House of Commons.
In expressing support for the motion, Members supported reiterating the civility and respect pledge at the Council’s January 2024 meeting. It was proposed that in addition to writing to the local MP, the Council copies the request to the Devon Association of Local Councils, and Leaders and Chief Executives of local councils in Devon.
Resolved that Dawlish Town Council writes to Anne Marie Morris MP calling on her to support requirements to address bullying and harassment of elected Members, and Council employees by subscribing to Early Day Motion 611, and that the Council copies the request to the Devon Association of Local Councils, and Leaders of Chief Executives of local councils in Devon. |
To consider additional attributes, if any, for the design guidance for a tender specification for the Brook lights. Minutes: Members considered a report which detailed whether the Council wished to include additional design options to be built into the tender for replacement lighting works for the Brook.
Resolved that the design attributes set out by the Civic Amenities Committee be endorsed, and officers be tasked with progressing a tender specification. |
Brownsbrook Allotments PDF 169 KB The Town Council is recommended to approve the recommendations of the Civic Amenities Committee meeting held on 15 November 2023. Minutes: Resolved that the recommendations of the Civic Amenities Committee contained within the agenda report be approved. |
That Full Council consider closing the Large grant scheme, but consider viring a sum of money from general reserves to continue to offer the small grant scheme until the end of the financial year. Minutes: Resolved that
The large grant scheme be closed; and (b) That £2,500 be vired from general reserves to continue operating the small grants scheme, with any unspent monies as at 31 March 2024 being put back into general reserves. |
Small Grant Application - Dawlish Choral Society PDF 582 KB To consider a small grant application request from Dawlish Choral Society for £200.00. Minutes: Resolved that the grant application of £200 to Dawlish Choral Society be approved. |
East Teignbridge Community Transport That in light of the exceptional circumstances encountered by Community Transport this year that the Full Council consider contributing a sum of money from the general reserves to Dawlish Community Transport to help with the purchase of replacement buses. Minutes: Resolved that given the extenuating circumstances of the arson attack on East Teignbridge Community Transport’s vehicles earlier in the year, this Council
Provide a minimum of £10,000 from interest receipts towards
their replacement bus fund, and
Are given the option of either i. Receiving the monies now, or ii. Receiving the monies at some point in the future and not later than 12 months’ time, with any interest accrued on that amount being given as well. |
Teignbridge Local Plan 2020-2040 Proposed Submission (Regulation 19) Addendum Consultation Due to the Planning Committee being inquorate for the item in relation to the Teignbridge Local Pan 2020-2040 Proposed Submission (Regulation 19) Addendum Consultation, the Town Council is recommended to allow Councillors the opportunity to make individual comments on the Teignbridge Local Plan 2020-2040 Proposed Submission (Regulation 19) Addendum Constulation and then any individual comments would be consolidated and a repsonse from the Council would be formulated at the next planning committee on 7 December 2023.
Minutes: Members noted that comments on the Teignbridge Local Plan 2020-2040 Proposed Submission (Regulation 19) Addendum Consultation were due by 22 December 2023.
The Town Council’s Planning Committee would formulate a corporate response at its meeting on 7 December; any Members wishing to make contributions should send through to the office for inclusion in discussion at that meeting. Members were also encouraged to respond to the consultation individually.
Resolved that Members be encouraged to complete the consultation individually, and that the Council’s response would be formulated and submitted by the Planning Committee. |
Planning Committee Vacancies To appoint up to two Members to fill the vacancies on the Planning Committee. Minutes: Resolved that the item be deferred to a future meeting of the Town Council. |
Teignbridge Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Consultation The Town Council is asked to consider submitting comments to Teignbridge District Council following their invitation to receive such on the draft CIL Charging Schedule (Appendix A on the following link), and its supporting Policies and Guidance document (Appendix C on the following link) which is now available for consultation. Responses (if any) are required by 4 p.m. on 8 January 2024. Minutes: Members considered the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) review being undertaken by Teignbridge District Council.
It was noted that the proposals increased the amounts payable for development in Dawlish which would see larger receipts for the delivery of infrastructure arising out of increased development within the Parish.
Resolved that the Town Council support the proposals, and Members be encouraged to respond to the consultation individually. |
County Councillor's Report To receive a report from the County Councillor (if any). Minutes: Councillor Wrigley
Councillor Wrigley reported that:
· The road near to the Ship Inn in Cockwood had reopened following a building wall collapse, · Town centre roadworks had been sorted through improved coordination between the highway’s authority and contractors, · Childcare annual sufficiency statistic were due to be published next week – there was a clear lack of provision within the Parish, · Devolution Devon deal was progressing, but the detail was unclear.
Councillor Dawson commented that a recent push to encourage more people into the childminding profession had been successful with 6 persons taking steps to progress.
Resolved that the report be noted. |
District Councillor's Reports To receive reports of District Councillors (if any). Minutes: Councillor Dawson
Councillor Dawson advised that the Manor Garden’s bridge would be removed with the intention to replace with a better structure in the future.
Councillor Foden
Councillor Foden reported that issues of fly tipping at Dawlish Water which included used oil had been reported and dealt with by Teignbridge officers.
Councillor Wrigley
Councillor Wrigley advised there had been a change in the management of the Planning department, and further vacancies were being filled within the Estates department.
Resolved that the updates be noted. |
Town Councillor's Reports PDF 42 KB To receive reports of Town Councillors (if any). Minutes: Councillor Foden
The cyber security awareness sessions that I organised for Friday 3rd November were well attended, both here at the Manor House and at The Strand Centre. The presentation with information and advise from the South West Police Regional Cyber Crime Unit was well received by those whom attended, and I’ve had feedback from many saying ‘thank you and I’ve learned so much’. In particular the advice for multi-factor authentication for account passwords, plus the advice for pass phrases instead of single passwords, or an assortment of capital and lower case letters with numbers in between, for stronger passwords.
The Dawlish repair café on Saturday 18th November was a big success. This was the 10th ‘fix fest’ that I’ve organised here in Dawlish, and we had a good variety of professionals volunteering their time to repair items, and were busy throughout the morning.
With thanks to all who volunteered their time to help on the day, to Paul at The Strand Centre for donating some hand-made cakes for refreshments, and to all the local people who brought items to be repaired, so that their items can be re-used. Over £150 was raised for the Friends of Dawlish Hospital, and many items were saved from being sent to landfill.
I’d like to give my thanks to all the volunteers who tend and nurture the Dawlish Memorial Garden, and who volunteer their time and skills to keep the garden looking good and cared for.
Councillor Heath
Councillor Heath advised he understood the Minor Injuries Unit to be on course for reopening however it may not be a walk-in service initially.
Councillor J. Petherick
Councillor Petherick noted there had been correspondence between the Town Council and Teignbridge regards the bowling club leases without a response despite an acknowledgment. Having submitted a Freedom of Information request, the decision to change leases was made at the Executive meeting of 7 January 2020 in Part II.
Councillor J. Petherick urged District Councillors to bring about a positive conclusion for the two bowling clubs affected within Dawlish.
It was agreed that a follow up letter be sent to Teignbridge District Council, copied to the Leader, Managing Director, and Director for Place and Commercial Services.
Resolved that the reports be noted. |