Venue: The Manor House, Old Town Street, Dawlish, EX7 9AP
Contact: Town Clerk Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive, note and where requested, approve the reasons for apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors J. Petherick, and L. Petherick.
Resolved that the apologies be noted. |
Agreement of the Agenda between Parts I and II Minutes: There was no Part II. |
Declarations of Interest To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any). Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Dispensations To receive and consider requests for dispensation (if any). Minutes: There were no dispensations. |
To approve, sign and adopt the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 7 February 2024. Minutes: Members considered the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 7 February 2024.
Resolved that the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 7 February 2024 be approved and signed as a correct and accurate record. |
Devon & Cornwall Police Report (if any) Minutes: The local Neighbourhood Beat Manager gave a general overview, including that:
· There had been an increase in shoplifting locally · Community protection orders had been 96% effective · Commercial premises were being encourage to upgrade CCTV systems and guidance was being provided from the Police · A criminal behaviour order had been applied for in relation to one individual.
The Mayor thanked the Officer for his attendance.
Resolved that the update be noted.
Dawlish Minor Injuries Unit To receive a briefing from Dr Elizabeth Thomas, Deputy Medical Director, Torbay and South Devon Foundation Trust regards services at Dawlish Community Hospital. Minutes: The Mayor welcomed Dr Liz Thomas, Deputy Medical Direct of Torbay and South Devon NHS Trust to speak on the matter of Dawlish Minor Injuries Unit (MIU).
Dr Thomas submitted that:
· Previously the Trust was recruiting nurses and practitioners who would work out of the MIU centre and confirmed that they had successfully appointed to the roles · The MIU would reopen on Tuesday, 2 April initially Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with an expectation that that would be extended to seven days a week. · There was a desire for the service to be sustainable and the unit would be based on the model operated at Totnes’ MIU – o Booked appointments o Walk-in service (50/50 basis which allowed the better managing of appointments · It would not be possible to undertake x-rays at opening however the trust was engaging with the University West of England for part work / part study students. There was a national shortage of radiographers.
At this juncture, Standing Orders were suspended to enable the Chair of the Friends of Dawlish Hospital to address the meeting and ask questions of Dr Thomas.
During his address, the Chair of Friends of Dawlish Hospital asked:
· How would the appointment system work? · How would the Trust advertise the fact the unit was open, and what its operating hours were? Dr Thomas advised that the communications team would be developing media to share widely with the public and key stakeholders regards opening hours, how the booking system would work etc. · How would the trust ensure visitors and tourists were informed, i.e. bringing to the attention of holiday parks? Dr Thomas advised she would liaise with their communications team to ensure notices were sent to the holiday parks. · When would staff at Dawlish Hospital know of the plans as many were unaware? The Matron of Dawlish Hospital would be updating staff when the reopening was guaranteed. · How would the trust ensure staff were occupied during lower levels of demand? Dr Thomas advised the situation would be kept under review and there might be opportunity for routine primary care to be undertaken at quieter times.
He submitted it was crucial for ongoing communications to ensure individuals attended the MIU rather than placing pressure on already stretched Emergency Departments at Torbay, and Exeter. He thanked Dr Thomas for her efforts to bring the reopening to fruition.
Councillor Wrigley advised the road signs would require unblanking and asked whether the telephone number of the MIU could be included on the signs. He would check with Devon County colleagues on the latter.
At this juncture, Standing Orders were reinstated.
The Mayor thanked Dr Thomas for attending and hoped for quarterly updates as to the progress of the MIU unit in the coming months.
Resolved that
The update be noted, and (b) That the Chair of Friends of Dawlish Hospital be thanked for his work and commitment to bring about the reopening of the MIU. |
Dawlish Sea Wall Safety PDF 83 KB To receive and note the correspondence from HM Coroner’s Office, and Network Rail, and determine:
(a) Whether the Town Council wishes to be offered Interested Person status to be involved in proceedings. (b) Whether the Town Council wishes to submit a statement regards its views about the requirement for any prospecitve safety measures on the sea wall in question. (c) Whether the Town Council wishes to submit its view as to the current position in relation to who is responsible for the maintenance of the sea wall. (d) To appoint a Town Councillor to attend the Network Rail workshop as and when institgated in relation to the sea wall risk assessment currently being undertaken, and (e) To delegate authority to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Mayor, to meet with representatives of Network Rail to discuess safety concerns and report back to an appropriate meeting of the Town Council. Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered correspondence from HM Coroner’s Office, and Network Rail in respect of the death of Albina Yevko and the Town Council’s call for increased safety measures along the sea wall.
Standing Orders were suspended at 19:51 to enable a member of the public to address the meeting.
The member of public appealed for the Council to support improvements as previously the Council had been split on the issue. He believed now was a good opportunity as both bodies wished to discuss matters with the Council.
At this juncture, Standing Orders were resumed at 19:55.
The Town Clerk advised that the designation of Interested Person gave the right to participate, and to play an active part in the inquest hearing. This was one of the matters Council was asked to determine in response to the Coroner’s letter.
It was proposed that Councillor Dawson be appointed the Council’s representative to the inquest and be designated the role of Interested Person. Councillor A. James submitted he would be able to assist.
During discussion, it was suggested that Teignbridge District Council should implement safety measures for the area of wall around Boat Cove and the Council should write to the appropriate officers to that affect.
It was proposed that the recommendations as set out in the agenda be voted on en-bloc. This was later withdrawn.
It was proposed that the Council accept the invitation from HM Coroner’s Office to be granted Interest Person status, and that Councillor Dawson be appointed as the Council’s representative.
Resolved that the Town Council accept the designation of Interested Person by HM Coroner’s Office, and that Councillor Dawson be appointed the Council’s representative in the case.
It was further proposed that recommendations (b) to (e) be approved as set out in the agenda, and it was
Resolved that
(b) The Town
Council would submit a statement to HM Coroner’s Office
regards its views about the requirement for any prospective safety
measures on the sea wall in question (c) that the Town Council submit its view as to the current position in relation to who is responsible for the maintenance of the sea wall (d) that
Councillor Dawson be appointed to attend the Network Rail workshop
as and when instigated in relation to the sea wall risk assessment
currently being undertaken by them, and (e) that delegated authority be given to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Mayor, to meet with representatives of Network Rail to discuss safety concerns and report back to an appropriate meeting of the Town Council.
It was further resolved that the Town Council writes to Teignbridge District Council requesting safety measures be installed on the sea wall in the area around Boat Cove. |
Mental Wellbeing & Suicide Prevention Working Group To appoint up to two Members of the Council to the Mental Wellbeing & Suicide Prevention Working Group.
Currently appointed Members include Councillors Dawson, Goodman-Bradbury, and M. James. Minutes: It was noted that Members had been previously appointed to the Working Group, and it was
Resolved that the meeting of the Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Working Group to be held on 21 March at 10 a.m. in the Manor House be noted. |
Skate Park Working Group To receive and note a verbal report, and approve an extension of reporting to accommodate a period of public engagement.
Minutes: The Events, Projects and Tourism Officer advised that there had been 90 responses to the public consultation exercise with further information gathering taking place. It was proposed that a six-month extension of reporting be approved to accommodate the period of public engagement.
Resolved that a six-month extension of reporting be approved to accommodate the period of public engagement. |
Small and Large Grant Scheme PDF 105 KB To endorse and adopt the revised Small and Large Grant Scheme as approved by the Finance & General Purposes Committee.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Resolved that the Small and Large Grant Scheme be adopted. |
Devon and Torbay Devolution Deal PDF 297 KB To consider whether the Council submits a corporate response to the Devon and Torbay Devolution Deal for a Combined County Authority, or for Councillors to respond individually, should they wish to do so.
Minutes: Members considered the report of the Town Clerk regards the proposed devolution deal for Devon and Torbay, and whether the Town Council wished to submit a corporate response or have invidual Members respond if they wished to do so.
During discussion, it was noted that:
· There would be a democratic deficit in the additional layer of governance for the area · There was not enough reference to partnership working with Town and Parish Councils · There was a lack of information regards the funding arrangements for the Combined County Authority after the first three years.
Resolved that the Town Clerk formulate a response and respond on behalf of the Council, in consultation with Councillors Heath, Littlewood, and Pyne. |
Town Council Emergency Plan PDF 466 KB To receive and note the emerging Town Council Emergency Plan as formulated by the Emergency Plan Working Group, and determine whether to create a standing Committee tasked with reviewing the Plan in May, and November of each year. Suggested date for first meeting being 14 May at 11 a.m.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered the emerging Emergency Plan (EP) for the Council, and a request from the Emergency Plan Working Group that it form a standalone Committee to review the EP twice-yearly in May and November.
Following discussion it was
Resolved that
(a) the update be noted, (b) that delegated authority be given to the Events, Projects and Tourism Officer to undertake in-year amendements to the plan, and (c) the Emergency Plan Working Group meet in May and November each year to review the Plan, and recommend to the Emergency & Strategy Committee for adoption. |
Governance and Management Risk Register PDF 109 KB To review and approve the Governance and Management Risk Register as recommended by the Town Council's Internal Auditor.
Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered the Governance & Management Risk Register.
During review, it was noted that:
· ‘Breakdown of IT equipment’ could relate solely to physical damage of equipment, and recognition was required of equipment being compromised following a cyber security attack and the like. It was suggested a new risk of cyber security be added to reflect this. · The current two-year history of meeting agendas and minutes should be increased to four years.
Resolved that the Governance and Management Risk Register be approved as set out, subject to the inclusion of an additional risk area for cyber security, and noting that four years’ worth of agendas and minutes be included on the Council’s website. |
To approve and adopt the
following policies and associated documents: · Annual Appraisal Policy · Electronic Device Usage Policy · Events – Equality & Diversity Policy · Lost and Found, and Vulnerable Adult Procedure for Events · Safeguarding Policy · Stress at Work Policy · Volunteer Policy Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered the following policies:
· Annual Appraisal Policy · Electronic Device Usage Policy · Events – Equality & Diversity Policy · Lost and Found, and Vulnerable Adult Procedure for Events · Safeguarding Policy · Stress at Work Policy · Volunteer Policy
It was proposed that the Equality and Diversity Event Checklist be amended to read: Do those performing/speakers have a balanced representation’, where possible’?
On being put to the vote, the motion was lost.
Resolved that the following policies be approved as set out:
· Annual Appraisal Policy · Electronic Device Usage Policy · Events – Equality & Diversity Policy · Lost and Found, and Vulnerable Adult Procedure for Events · Safeguarding Policy · Stress at Work Policy · Volunteer Policy.
Schedule of Meetings 2024/25 PDF 190 KB To consider and approve the proposed schedule of meetings for the 2024/2025 municipal year.
Minutes: The Town Council considered the proposed schedule of meetings for 2024/25.
It was proposed that the annual meeting of the Town Council be held in the second week of May each year to avoid the possibility of falling the day before local, national, and other elections. Should a general election be called for the 2 May, the Annual Meeting of the Town Council to be moved to the 22 May.
Resolved that the schedule of meetings for 2024/25 be approved as set out, subject to annual meeting of the Town Council being held in the second week of May onwards, and that should a general election be called for the 2 May, the Annual Meeting of the Town Council to be moved to the 22 May. |
Minutes of Committees for adoption To receive the Minutes of the following Committee(s) for adoption (if any) – Members are requested to refer to the Town Council’s website to view said Minutes:
· Finance & General Purposes Committee - 18 January 2024 · Manor House & Riverside Centre Committee - 10 January 2024 · Planning Committee - 11 January, 1 February 2024 Minutes: Resolved that the minutes set out below, approved by the relevant Committee and signed by the Chair as a correct record of that meeting, be adopted:
· Finance & General Purposes Committee – 18 January 2024 · Manor House 7 Riverside Centre Committee – 10 January 2024 · Planning Committee – 11 January, 1 February 2024 |
Town Clerk's Report To receive any updates from the Town Clerk (if any). Additional documents: Minutes: Manor House Canopy The Town Council’s listed building consent application to remove the canopy from the south elevation of the Manor House was granted approval by the Planning Authority whose view was that its removal would cause ‘no harm’ to the building. This is indeed good news and will now coincide with the wider external maintenance and redecoration works being undertaken from mid-March.
External maintenance and redecoration A pre-contract meeting is scheduled on 4 March between me, the lead contractor, the contract administrator (surveyor) and Members of the Manor House & Riverside Centre Committee to understand how the works will be undertaken, responsibilities, etc. Further updates will be provided to Members as works progress.
Larger Council’s Forum Workshop On Thursday, 7 March I will be attending DALC’s Larger Council’s Forum Workshop at Kennford. The purpose is to facilitate an open and constructive dialogue about the future of larger town and parish councils, particularly in light of the Devon and Torbay Devolution Deal. A rough outline of the day focuses on exploring external influences impacting larger councils, hearing from Mark Williams, Town Clerk at Falmouth Town Council and their experience of devolution with Cornwall Council, before examining how prepared we are for the future and finalising what DALC could be prioritising to best support councils effectively going forward. I will provide updates on outcomes at the April meeting of the Town Council.
Conference with Teignbridge District Council On Tuesday, 12 March I will be attending, together with the Mayor, a DALC hosted conference for town and parish councils with the aim of building a strong collaborative relationship with the District Council. There will be a mix of information sharing and interactive discussions aiming to identify community priorities and agree the principles for effective joint working. I will provide updates on outcomes at the April meeting of the Town Council.
Annual Leave – March 2024 21 March - half Day PM 22 March – Level 5 Community Governance Graduation - Trowbridge
Town Mayor's Announcements PDF 113 KB To receive the Town Mayor’s announcements (if any). Minutes: Mayor’s Report
3rd Turn the Tide event 6th Climate Cards training 7th met with former Mayor’s wife to talk about skatepark history 7th Ditto project visit 7th Full Council meeting 8th Dawlish twinning association 10th Turn the Tide event 15th welcomed new Reverend to St Greg’s 17th Councillor Surgery at library 20th Emergency Plan working group 24th Raising the Ukrainian flag 24th Open day at Claremont Manor 26th Dawlish Action for Youth meeting 28th Cost of Living Event 28th Climate working group
Childcare Crisis Awaiting date to hold next coffee morning for people interested in becoming childminders.
Manor Gardens Bridge Met with Teignbridge officers and we agreed they would get more specific costings so we can see what we need to find to install a new bridge. It cannot be replaced with a wooden bridge as construction guidelines have changed considerably in the last ten years, meaning the cheaper options are out. It’s really clear from the petition so far that locals are in support of replacement and that’s great in order to evidence the strength of feeling, especially given predicted costs and challenges. I have a photo showing a bridge there as far back as 1915 (ish) so I’m interested in seeing more dated photos if any residents have any please.
International Women’s Day Delivering books on 7th March to four local schools to mark the day thanks to Cllr Wrigley and Goodman-Bradbury’s Teignbridge Councillor Community Funds.
Bowling Clubs I have met with both clubs again, with TDC portfolio holder for business and assets. We hope to progress to options as soon as possible.
Road surface outside Gatehouse School Should we write to DCC about the safety issues now on Elm Grove Road including months of the flashing 20mph lights not working and the poor road surface outside the school where children are tripping whilst crossing?
Flooding Dawlish Warren bend Reported and escalated to DC Councillor Wrigley
Resolved that the report be noted, and that the Town Council writes to Devon County Council regards the non-flashing lights, and poor road surface at Elm Grove Road.
County Councillor's Report To receive a report from the County Councillor (if any). Minutes: Due to the meeting concluding at 9.30 p.m., no report was given. |
District Councillor's Reports To receive reports of District Councillors (if any). Minutes: Due to the meeting concluding at 9.30 p.m., no report was given.
Town Councillor's Reports To receive reports of Town Councillors (if any). Minutes: Due to the meeting concluding at 9.30 p.m., no report was given.