Agenda and draft minutes

Civic Amenities Committee - Wednesday, 19th July 2023 7.00 pm

Venue: The Manor House, Old Town Street, Dawlish, EX7 9AP

Contact: Events, Projects & Tourism Officer  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive, note, and where requested approve, the reasons for apologies for absence.


Apologies were received from Cllr Goodman-Bradbury.


RESOLVED: that the apologies for absence were noted.


Declarations of Interest

To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any).


There were no declarations of interest.



To receive and consider requests for dispensations.


There were no dispensations.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 232 KB

To approve, sign and adopt the minutes of the Civic Amenities meeting held on 31st May 2023.                                               .


Members considered the minutes of the Civic Amenities Committee meeting held on 31st May 2023.


RESOLVED: that the minutes of the Civic Amenities Committee meeting held on 31st May 2023 were approved.


RESOLVED: that item 10 Wildflower Areas- Rotavator be moved to the first item on the agenda so members of the public could speak.


Wildflower Areas - Rotavator pdf icon PDF 175 KB

To consider and decide whether to approve the purchase of a rotavator for community use (up to £600) for use on new wildflower planting areas alongside associated volunteer training.

Additional documents:


Standing orders were suspended at 7.04pm to allow a member of the public to speak.


Dave Hutton the ACT Wildlife Warden reported that a number of areas had been surveyed to be potential wildflower areas. Cllr Dawson suggested adding an area near the playpark in the Manor Gardens to the list of areas. Discussion was on the purchase of the rotavator re: hire, need for a high quality rotavator to have sufficient power, the need for storage of the equipment and flammable liquids.


Standing orders were reinstated at 7.14pm


RESOLVED:  with one vote against, that the rotavator should be hired for the length of time needed for the Oak Hill verge project to proceed due to the timescale of planting required and then the issue return to the Committee in two months for further discussion.


Projects Report pdf icon PDF 123 KB

To receive and note updates on current CAC projects.


Cllr Dawson reported that the issue of locating the Tidy Teignbridge funded litter picking box at Boat Cove for Dawlish Against Plastic to use had been taken up with the Cllr Wrigley, the Leader of the District Council.  For the festive lighting councillors discussed retaining the large Christmas Tree at the bandstand. The defib at Oaklands Park had been delayed by issues with the paperwork at National Grid.


RESOLVED: that the report was noted.


Dawlish Waterfowl pdf icon PDF 110 KB

To receive and note the report.


The delay in siting a temporary aviary structure with a roof for protecting the waterfowl i.e. young birds, goslings at the side of the compound was raised. The officer would follow this up with the Town Clerk and Waterfowl Wardens.


RESOLVED: that the report was noted.




Bollards for entrances and exits to the Lawn

To consider and decide whether to contribute to the purchase of lockable bollards at both entrances and exits to the Lawn in liaison with the District Council, and whether to request ‘No Parking’ signs be installed by Devon County Council/Teignbridge District Council at other possible access points to the Piazza/Lawn.


Cllr Foden detailed the background to the item. One bollard was likely to be in the region of £3k. Discussion included that there was no right to park in the area, the number of bollards required, locations, possibility of joint funding and need for enforcement by Teignbridge District Council as the area was owned by them.


RESOLVED: that Teignbridge District Council’s Economy and Assets and Legal Departments be written to raising the problems to date and requesting they seek quotations for bollards to resolve the issue.


Skatepark - litter pdf icon PDF 398 KB

To consider and note the report.


Questions were raised regarding why Chances had installed the netting and if signage would improve the situation or not.


RESOLVED: that the Council would seek advice and request a visit to the site by the anti-social behaviour officer at the District Council for potential solutions.


No Mow May and Publicity Campaign

To consider and decide whether to make recommendations to the Town Council to:


        i.            support the ‘No Mow’ May campaign and if so, what other further supporting actions the committee would recommend to the Town Council to take; and

       ii.            have a publicity campaign working with ACT, Sustainable Dawlish and other organisations to encourage residents to support making a space for nature where possible, stop the use of artificial grass and to discourage the use of pesticides and insect-killing sprays.


RESOLVED: that the following recommendations be made to Town Council:


·         That the Council should support the ‘No Mow’ May campaign;

·         That the Council should take the following supportive actions:       

o   Publicity campaign across the Parish around the effects of pesticides, the use of artificial grass and mowing in May on wildlife including producing a short video;

o   Companies who manage the green areas on the new estates should be contacted by the Council to engage them in the campaign;

o   Holiday Parks should also be engaged with the campaign by the Council.

·         That the Council should encourage anyone seeing there is a problem with their local area due to early mowing, use of pesticides etc should contact the Town Council so leaflets could be distributed to residents in the area.

·         That the Council should encourage wildflower planting areas.



Brownsbrook Allotments pdf icon PDF 116 KB

To note the report.


Water butts had been ordered for the allotments.


RESOLVED: that the report was noted.