Venue: The Manor House, Old Town Street, Dawlish, EX7 9AP
Contact: Town Clerk Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor Foden.
Resolved that the apology be noted. |
Agreement of the Agenda between Parts I and II Minutes: The Chair advised, subject to the Committee being in agreement, that agenda item 10 would be considered before agenda item 8 as a member of the public was present to talk on this item.
Resolved that agenda item 10 be taken before agenda item 8.
There was no Part II. |
Declarations of Interest To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any). Minutes: Councillor Heath declared an interest on agenda item 10 and advised that he would leave the room whilst this item was being considered. |
Dispensations To receive and consider requests for dispensation (if any). Minutes: There were no dispensations. |
To approve and sign the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 18 May 2023. Minutes: Members considered the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on the 18th May 2023.
Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 18 May 2023 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct and accurate record. |
To receive correspondence on planning matters.
Minutes: Item 6 Correspondence:
· Reference: 23/00598/HOU Location: 30 Cofton Hill, Cockwood Proposal: Garden room to front
Applications granted contrary to this Council’s recommendation: None
Applications refused in support of this Council’s recommendation: · Reference: 23/00511/REM Location: Fayfield, Fay Road, Dawlish Proposal: Reserved matters application for a dwelling pursuant to outline planning permission 19/02089/OUT (Outline- dwelling with double garage (approval sought for access)) (approval sought for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) Applications refused contrary to this Council’s recommendation None
Deferment of business for comment by the public Business of the Planning Committee will be suspended at the discretion of the Chairman, to allow members of the public present at the meeting to make representations to the Committee for a period of time to be determined by the Chairman, relating to matters listed on this agenda.
Minutes: Councillor Pyne was elected as Chair and Councillor Heath left the room.
At this juncture, the Committee agreed to suspend standing orders to enable the public to address the meeting.
There was one member of the public that wanted to speak in favour of agenda item 10.
Standing Orders were reinstated upon completion of public participation time. |
23/00608/HOU & 23/00609/LBC - 9 Barton Terrace, Dawlish Location: DAWLISH - 9 Barton Terrace, Dawlish Proposal: Outbuilding to rear Applicant: Mr N Nickless Web Link:
Location: DAWLISH - 9 Barton Terrace, Dawlish Proposal: Outbuilding to rear and relocation of rear gate in existing stone wall Applicant: Mr N Nickless Web Link:
Decision: Resolved that this Council Recommends Refusal on the basis that; · It is overdevelopment, · It takes away green space in a conservation area, · It is not symapthetic of a listed building. Minutes: Resolved that this Council Recommends Refusal on the basis that; · It is overdevelopment, · It takes away green space in a conservation area, · It is not symapthetic of a listed building. |
23/00750/HOU - 7 St Georges Lane, Holcombe Location: DAWLISH - 7 St Georges Lane, Holcombe Proposal: Erection of an attached garage Applicant: Mr Mark Broome Web Link: Decision: Resolved that this Council recommends No Objection to the application. Minutes: Resolved that this Council recommends No Objection to the application. |
23/00487/HOU - 1 Southdowns Road, Dawlish Location: DAWLISH - 1 Southdowns Road, Dawlish Proposal: Retention of fence to front garden (height to be amended) Applicant: Mr R Dutton Web Link: Decision: Resolved that this Council recommends No Objection to the application. Minutes: Councillor Pyne was elected as Chair and Councillor Heath left the room.
At this juncture, the Committee agreed to suspend standing orders to enable the public to address the meeting.
There was one member of the public that wanted to speak in favour of agenda item 10.
Standing Orders were reinstated upon completion of public participation time.
Resolved that this Council recommends No Objection to the application.
23/00878/TPO - Between 8 & 10 Juniper Drive, Dawlish Location: DAWLISH - Between 8 & 10 Juniper Drive, Dawlish Proposal: T1, Oak: i) Crown reduction of east-facing limb as identified within Appendix C of tree report RSKHL_6740.23. ii) Removal of dead wood measuring >50mm. Applicant: AlsoppCavanna Homes Web Link: Decision: Resolved that this Council recommends No Objection subject to the arboricultural Officer’s approval.
Minutes: Resolved that this Council recommends No Objection subject to the arboricultural Officer’s approval.
23/00805/HOU - Merrihill, The Drive Location: DAWLISH - Merrihill, The Drive Proposal: Rear extension Applicant: Mr & Mrs Watson Web Link: Decision: Resolved that this Council recommends No Objection to the application. Minutes: Resolved that this Council recommends No Objection to the application. |
23/00860/FUL - Unit 24, Dawlish Business Park, Dawlish Location: DAWLISH - Unit 24, Dawlish Business Park Proposal: Single storey storage building including demolition of existing storage sheds Applicant: Mr M Holden Bradfords Building Supplies Web Link: Decision: Resolved that this Council recommends No Objection to the application. Minutes: Resolved that this Council recommends No Objection to the application. |