Agenda, decisions and minutes

Planning Committee - Thursday, 13th July 2023 7.00 pm

Venue: The Manor House, Old Town Street, Dawlish, EX7 9AP

Contact: Town Clerk  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies were received from Councillors Dawson, and Foden.


Resolved that the apologies be noted.


Agreement of the Agenda between Parts I and II


There was no Part II.


Declarations of Interest

To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any).


Councillor Wrigley declared an interest on agenda item 10-  23/01051/LBC - 24 Cofton Hill, The Thatches, Dawlish- by virtue of being a neighbour of the applicant. He advised he would remain in the room but would not speak or vote on the item.



To receive and consider requests for dispensation (if any).


There were no dispensations.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 239 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 22nd June 2023.


Members considered the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on the 22nd June 2023.


Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 22 June 2023 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct and accurate record.


Correspondence pdf icon PDF 112 KB

To receive correspondence on planning matters.




Item 6


Applications granted in support of this council’s recommendation: 

·         Reference: 23/00805/HOU

Location:Merrihill, The Drive, Dawlish

Proposal: Rear extension


·         Reference: 23/00750/HOU

Location: 7 St Georges Lane, Holcombe

Proposal: Erection of an attached garage


·         Reference: 23/00758/HOU

Location: 25 Elm Grove Close

Proposal: Single storey side extension


·         Reference: 23/00173/FUL

Location: 3B Sea Lawn Terrace, Dawlish

Proposal: Loft Conversion


·         Reference: 23/00787/HOU

Location: 43 Upper Longlands

Proposal: Extension to first floor balcony (retrospective)

Applications granted contrary to this Council’s recommendation:

·         Reference: 23/00457/HOU

Location: 5 Bunting Way, Dawlish

Proposal: Two storey front extension and single storey rear extension with balcony over


Applications refused in support of this Council’s recommendation:

·         Reference: 22/02204/HOU

Location: Flat 3, 8 Sea Lawn Terrace

Proposal: Loft conversion including proposed front and rear dormer windows and balcony

Applications refused contrary to this Council’s recommendation

·         Reference: 22/01587/HOU

Location: 54 Newlands, Dawlish

Proposal: Single storey front and single storey rear extensions and annexe in rear garden




Deferment of business for comment by the public

Business of the Planning Committee will be suspended at the discretion of the Chairman, to allow members of the public present at the meeting to make representations to the Committee for a period of time to be determined by the Chairman, relating to matters listed on this agenda.



There were no members of the public present.


23/00902/HOU - 46 Lower Drive, Dawlish

Location: DAWLISH - 46 Lower Drive, Dawlish

Proposal: Single storey side and rear extension and extension to existing dormers

Applicant: Dr A McGoldrick

Web Link:


Resolved that this Council recommends No Objection to the application.


Resolved that this Council recommends No Objection to the application.


23/00971/HOU - 35 West Cliff Park Drive, Dawlish

Location: DAWLISH - 35 West Cliff Park Drive, Dawlish

Proposal: Extension to front and conversion of garage with balcony above, and

garden room to rear and internal changes

Applicant: Mr & Mrs M Hawker

Web Link:


Resolved that this Council recommends No Objection to the application.


Resolved that this Council recommends No Objection to the application.


23/01051/LBC - 24 Cofton Hill, The Thatches, Dawlish

Location: DAWLISH - The Thatches , 24 Cofton Hill

Proposal: Replace render with lime render

Applicant: Mr John Holdstock

Web Link:


Resolved that this Council recommends No Objection to the application. The Committee would like to add that it is pleased to see an old building being restored with traditional materials.


Resolved that this Council recommends No Objection to the application. The Committee would like to add that it is pleased to see an old building being restored with traditional materials.


23/01110/CLDE - Whiteroc Stables, Greenway Lane, Dawlish

Location: DAWLISH - Whiteroc Stables , Greenway Lane

Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of part of stable block as

residential dwelling

Applicant: Miss M Head

Web Link:


Resolved that this Council Recommends Refusal unless it remains an Equine Business premises or has an agricultural tie.


Councillor Heath abstained from the vote.


Resolved that this Council Recommends Refusal unless it remains an Equine Business premises or has an agricultural tie.


23/01037/FUL - 5 Barton Villas, Dawlish

Location: DAWLISH - 5 Barton Villas, Dawlish

Proposal: Single storey dwelling

Applicant: Mr & Mrs J Palmer

Web Link:


Resolved that this Council Recommends Refusal on the basis that;

·         There is reduced amenity to pedestrians due to an increase in traffic along the narrow Barton Lane without a pavement on Dawlish Footpath 18.

·         It sets an undesirable precedent in a conservation area.

·         It is overdevelopment of the gardens.

·         A reduction of biodiversity by building on an open/wild space.


Resolved that this Council Recommends Refusal on the basis that;

·         There is reduced amenity to pedestrians due to an increase in traffic along the narrow Barton Lane without a pavement on Dawlish Footpath 18.

·         It sets an undesirable precedent in a conservation area.

·         It is overdevelopment of the gardens.

·         A reduction of biodiversity by building on an open/wild space.