
Planning Committee - Thursday, 22nd February 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: The Manor House, Old Town Street, Dawlish, EX7 9AP

Contact: Town Clerk  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Agreement of the Agenda between Parts I and II


Declarations of Interest

To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any).



To receive and consider requests for dispensation (if any).


Minutes pdf icon PDF 227 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the Planning Committee held on the 1st February 2024.


Correspondence pdf icon PDF 126 KB

To receive correspondence on planning matters.



Deferment of business for comment by the public

Business of the Planning Committee will be suspended at the discretion of the Chairman, to allow members of the public present at the meeting to make representations to the Committee for a period of time to be determined by the Chairman, relating to matters listed on this agenda.


New Applications for Consideration


24/00084/FUL - 9 Queen Street, Dawlish

Location: DAWLISH - 9 Queen Street, Dawlish

Proposal: Alterations to ground floor front elevation to provide recessed doorway for first floor flat; change of use of part of ground floor from Use Class E ( c ) (ii) to C3(a) (revised description)

Applicant: Dart & Partners Limited

Web Link:


24/00118/TPO - 11 Outlook Court, Apartment 1, East Cliff Road

Location: DAWLISH - 11 Outlook Court, Apartment 1 , East Cliff Road

Proposal: T0092 Holm Oak- Framework pollard to allow the tree to form a new

crown due to the exposure from recent pollarding to the holm oak that

formed a conformed canopy with T0092. This should be done to 13m.

Applicant: imove

Web Link:


24/00178/CAN - Hill House, Barton Hill, Dawlish

Location: DAWLISH - Hill House , Barton Hill

Proposal: T1-Eucalyptus- Crown Reduction - Reducing the height and spread of

the tree by up to 1-2 meters and Crown lift 5.6m

Applicant: Ms C Day

Web Link:


24/00189/FUL - Land Adjacent To Rock Cottage, Harbour Way

Location: DAWLISH - Land Adjacent To Rock Cottage, Harbour Way

Proposal: Construction of two dwellings plus associated creation of vehicular

access and landscaping (phased development)

Applicant: Mr M Tothill

Web Link:


24/00112/LBC - Brookdale, 1 Brunswick Place, Dawlish

Location: DAWLISH - Brookdale , 1 Brunswick Place

Proposal: Width of rear door to be increased

Applicant: Mrs Z Smith

Web Link:


23/02303/MAJ - Swan Park, Langdon

Location: DAWLISH - Swan Park, Langdon

Proposal: Outline application for residential development of 10 self build

plots/custom plots (CSB) at Swan Park Dawlish

Applicant: Mr H J Martin Persimmon Homes LTD

Web Link:


24/00198/HOU - 69 West Cliff Park Drive, Dawlish

Location: DAWLISH - 69 West Cliff Park Drive, Dawlish

Proposal: Proposed two storey side extension with solar panels installed on new

roof, single storey rear extension and porch replacement

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Cooper

Web Link:


24/00115/LBC - Tudor Cottage, Exeter Road

Location: DAWLISH - Tudor Cottage , Exeter Road

Proposal: Chimney height increase

Applicant: Ms J Westwood

Web Link:

Other items for Consideration


Case5637_Phase One & Phase Two - New development off Larch Road, Dawlish pdf icon PDF 101 KB

To consider two emails received by the Town Clerk regarding the Street naming of Phase one and Phase two of the new development off Larch Road, Dawlish, consisting of 149 and 205 residential dwellings respectively, and prepare a response.



Additional documents:


Street Name & Numbering Updated Policy Survey

To consider the following request from Teignbridge and respond accordingly:


We’re trying to align our approach to street naming and numbering with Exeter and East Devon Councils and we’d like your views on the revised draft policy.

The prime objective in naming streets and numbering buildings is to facilitate easy identification of premises by the emergency services, postal / delivery services and general visitors to the area, and to aid in the updating of the National Land and Property Gazetteer.

Traditionally we have followed the recommendations of Town and Parish Councils in street naming in their area.

A copy of the latest changes to the policy which sets out the do’s and don’ts of street naming can be viewed here and a copy of the latest policy (link) is also available.

As part of agreeing the updated policy we’d like Town and Parish Councils to complete this short three question survey which runs until noon on Monday 11 March.

Before adopting the final version, Teignbridge will take into account the town and parish council feedback from the survey.


Part II (Private)

Items which may be taken in the absence of the Public and Press on grounds that Exempt Information may be disclosed as defined in the Local Government Act 1972 and Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960.

