Venue: The Manor House, Old Town Street, Dawlish, EX7 9AP
Contact: Events, Projects & Tourism Officer Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence To receive, note, and where requested approve, the reasons for apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Bob and Heather Graham, Royal British Legion Dawlish Branch, Adrian Knowles; Teignmouth RNLI, and Armed Force Bikers.
RESOLVED: that the apologies were noted. |
Agreement of the Agenda between Parts I and II Minutes: There was no Part II. |
Declarations of Interest To declare any disclosable interests relating to the forthcoming items of business (if any). Minutes: Cllr Rachel Hardy declared an interest as the volunteer organiser of the Dawlish Loves Dogs Day 2022 and would speak but not be voting on the item 9. |
Dispensations To receive and consider requests for dispensation (if any). Minutes: No members present required a dispensation to discuss items on the agenda. |
To approve and sign the minutes of the Events Committee held on 14th March 2023. Minutes: RESOLVED: that the minutes of the Events Committee Meeting on 14th March 2023 be agreed and signed as a true record. |
Community Equipment and Banners on Jubilee Bridge PDF 153 KB To receive and note the report. Minutes: RESOLVED: that the report was noted. |
Coronation expenditure PDF 117 KB To consider and approve the expenditure report for the Coronation. Additional documents:
Minutes: Since the paper was written there was to be a refund of £100 against the screen expenditure.
RESOLVED: that the Coronation expenditure report was approved.
To receive and approve the expenditure report for 2023/4 events. Minutes: Standing orders were suspended at 7.14pm to allow member of the public to speak.
Dave Hutton and Scott Williams gave feedback on Turn the Tide event. The event feedback had been very positive and messages were still being received with a more formal feedback process planned. It had been well attended and small business sales and interaction with stalls had been good. After the Lawn event there had been Choral Tide (a musical event) at the Hope Centre and that had gone very well. It was hoped to repeat the event in the future.
RESOLVED: that the expenditure report for 2023/24 events was approved. |
To consider and decide whether the Dawlish Loves Dogs event should become a Council run and organised event for 2023. Minutes: Councillor Hardy gave background to the event run in 2022. The event came about through a question on a residents forum on Facebook when many people indicated they would like a dog focussed event. It had taken place in September 2022 and had been a very positive event with lots of good feedback. It was hoped for 2023 it could have more stalls and be focussed on the same theme of responsible dog ownership. The provisional date was 24th September 2023. Unfortunately the volunteer organisers could not commit to the time in organising the event hence the request to the Council.
RESOLVED: (Councillor Hardy did not vote) that the Council would run the Dawlish Loves Dog event in 24th September with assistance from the volunteer organisers and it should retain its focus on dog ownership/issues. |
Events 2023 To receive and note updates about forthcoming planned events for 2023.
Full details of events across Dawlish,
Teignmouth and Shaldon in the Events
Guide 2023
· Saturday 9th to 17th September – Dawlish Walking Festival (Sustainable Dawlish)
*indicates organised or supported by the Council in 2023.
· Saturday 9th to 17th September – Dawlish Walking Festival (Sustainable Dawlish)
RESOLVED: that the report was noted. |
Teignbridge District Council Officers Resorts Update To receive information from the Resorts Officer about forthcoming events in Dawlish. Minutes: RESOLVED: To request that the Town Council consider writing to the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall Police about the lack of a police presence in Dawlish.
Standing orders were reinstated at 8.08pm. |