
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

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Decisions published

09/03/2023 - 23/00173/FUL - 3B Sea Lawn Terrace, Dawlish ref: 483    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 09/03/2023 - Planning Committee

Decision published: 13/03/2023

Effective from: 09/03/2023


This Council recommends No Objection in consideration that there is no change to the character of the terrace and it is in keeping with the façade and the roof profile from the South East.

09/03/2023 - 23/00319/FUL - South Bank, Hall Lane, Dawlish ref: 482    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 09/03/2023 - Planning Committee

Decision published: 13/03/2023

Effective from: 09/03/2023


Resolved that this Council Recommends Refusal on the basis that;

·         It is overdevelopment of the site.

·         It sets an undesirable precedence.

·         It is an additional dwelling outside of the settlement boundaries.

·         It is out of character with the area.

This Council further resolved that if the Officer is minded to approve, this Council requests that the application goes to Committee.

09/03/2023 - 23/00269/FUL - 11 Plantation Terrace, Dawlish ref: 481    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 09/03/2023 - Planning Committee

Decision published: 13/03/2023

Effective from: 09/03/2023


Resolved that this Council has No Objection to the application.

09/03/2023 - 23/00043/FUL - Unit 22B, Dawlish Business Park ref: 480    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 09/03/2023 - Planning Committee

Decision published: 13/03/2023

Effective from: 09/03/2023


Resolved that this Council has No Objection to the application but would request that the Construction Management plan to note to proceed with caution noting the risk of contamination on site.